We have officially completed New Hampshire’s first ever Brainspotting Phase 1 Training. We were graced with 9 attendees, all more lovely and talented than the next. So now our Upper Valley Brainspotting community has grown – from one (me) – to 13!
What an amazing, huge, healing 3 days. What these photos don’t show is the network of support that made it all possible. Thanks to Center for Integrative Health for offering your space to us, to Oracle/Dyn for the loan of 12 of your comfy rolling armchairs, to Shauna Hill, Kimberly Knowlton-Young and Ariel Cahn-Flores for your very, very important assistance with food, business logistics, grunt work, and adding the voice of the newly trained BSP practitioner to the process. Thanks most of all to Deborah Antinori – she soldiered on even though she was in pain, after spending a lovely 4.5 hours checking out the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Hospital Emergency department.
I am grateful to have had my first co-trainer experience as well. I am ready for more!
Personally, the most impressive piece is Deb’s dedication not only to her commitments, to herself, to Brainspotting, to me, but to the Upper Valley and specifically to my new collegial group of truly talented and amazing therapists. I feel so privileged to be a part of this healing community and am humbled by your wisdom and depth.
If you are looking for Brainspotting sessions in the Upper Valley, in addition to those listed above, this is the list of the latest set of qualified therapists: Miriam R. Osofsky, Ph.D. in Lebanon, NH; Mary E. Young, LMHC in Hardwick, VT; Beth Demers, LMFT in WRJ, VT; Carla D. Hancock, LICSW in Montpelier, VT; Courtney L. Bohen, LICSW in WRJ, VT; Nick Doolittle, LICSW in Norwich, VT; Susanne Haseman, MEd, LCMHP, CEIP-MH in Cornish, NH; Claudia Henrion in East Thetford, VT and Tricia Long in Hyde Park, VT.

tee hee