I am now licensed in three states: Connecticut, New Hampshire and Vermont!
Please don’t hesitate to contact me for tele-sessions if you reside in any of these three states, it’s all legal now!
Things keep changing and this is my latest update regarding Brainspotting Trainings during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We have been directed to hold ALL trainings online during this physical distancing time of pandemic.
The June online trainings went swimmingly and I continue to be amazed to see how well it works both for the trainer and the trainees. And with the online format, I am so excited to meet practitioners from across the country and abroad. Likewise, assistants are stepping forward to help new trainees achieve really high-quality experiences. Our network is growing stronger. There are many blessings in this uncertain time.
The Keene, NH/Monadnock Family Services training planned for October 16-18, 2020 will be ONLINE. This will be a Phase 2 training, replacing the cancelled April one. I have posted a January 2021 Phase 1 and a February 2021 Phase 2, both ONLINE as well.
The overall desire it to have practitioners trained to support clients – and each other – through this pandemic, and then we as trained practitioners can support the impact of COVID-19 aftermath, being as the longer it lasts, the more support the population will need. We have added material in the trainings to address Limbic Countertransference, trauma shock, racial justice focus, and the environmental and global existential crisis we are in, and ways to work with it for our clients as well as for ourselves.
Please forward this information to anyone you may know who is interested in learning Brainspotting in Phase 1 or in expanding their Brainspotting skills with Phase 2.
Note that there are cancellation fees for cancelled registration, please be aware.
Please keep calling and sending me your e-mails and let’s keep in touch through this historically unusual time.
We are doing our best, this is new for all of us.
We are all in this together.
As a Brainspotting Trainer it is my responsibility to provide the best training experience for you, therefore please read the following carefully.
The recent global response to the COVID-19 pandemic may seem severe in one light, but smart and careful in another.
The June trainings I have scheduled in Northern New England are still a ways out. The April 24-26 Phase 2 in Keene is still scheduled to run ONLINE at this date.
If we do need to postpone, or if you choose to not attend an online training right now, your registration fee can either be completely refunded, all service charges will be waived, or you can choose to use your registration fee for a future training with me. If you choose to attend a different training with a different trainer, I will refund your registration fee to you.
I sincerely hope that we are able to continue our trainings online and in-person as soon as possible because in light of this pandemic, even more of our population will need support in healing. I believe that Brainspotting is a remarkably effective and creative tool to give clients the speediest route to recovery and balance that I know.
Sessions are continuing via telehealth only here at kTherapy and Brainspotting with Katherine.
I would like to assure all current clients of the measures that I am personally taking for my own safety as I am continuing to come to my physical office daily, although I am only conducting sessions via telehealth.
All new clients will be exclusively online until the physical distancing guidelines of the pandemic have been lifted.
I have Clorox wipes that I use on door handles, chair arms, my phone, pens, headphones, pointers and anything else that a client or I may touch. I have alcohol-based spray hand sanitizer as well as organic/natural hand sanitizer.
I wash my hands 10+ times daily for a minimum of 40-seconds with soap, water, and then dry them thoroughly. I follow up with hand sanitizer as well.
I insist that you may not come to the physical office space.
We can set up video sessions, as I have with several clients already, to bridge the gap during the COVID-19 situation. I use the HIPAA-compliant version of Zoom (the popular video conferencing software) for these sessions. Zoom is free for clients to use.
The building management has informed me that they have 2 rounds of sanitation daily. They are using Lysol spray and bleach (separately) to address all interior and exterior door handles as well as elevator buttons, restroom handles and fixtures, and handrails in all stairwells. This occurs around 5:30-6:00am as well as around 8:00pm daily.
I am including the following video from DHMS as I feel it has great information and education. It is dated March 9 so the statistics are outdated, but the information is not.
This COVID-19 event will end, as all viral infection cycles do. I hope that we can all remain safe and measured in our response to this time and learn new methods of looking after one another that carry on long after it ends.
There has been some fear reaction locally regarding COVID-19 and the one DHMC employee, who travelled from Italy recently, testing positive for the virus. There is one “presumptive” case that had close personal contact with the first person.
Clients are cancelling sessions fearful of “things happening around there” which is exactly what the CDC and medical professionals do NOT want to happen. Baseless fear is more toxic, causing paranoia of germs and other people, than a virus, especially to a healthy human.
The below video is a smart, fact-based discussion of the virus and how to keep yourself from contracting or spreading it.
Also, if by any chance I am contacted by DHMC that I am named as a person that someone with the virus has come into contact with, I will be the first one to immediately self-quarantine and inform every one of my clients personally.
Please don’t let fear and paranoia rule your lives.